The Wee Peeple Newsletter

January 2021                          Issue 167


January is named for the exclusively Roman God

who could simultaneously look

backward into the PAST

and forward into the FUTURE...

In ancient Roman Mythology

(with No parallel in Greek Mythology)

 may as well have been the God of Multi-tasking:



right ho- bloody capable,

being the God of: (here we go...)












(which covers just about -

 well - everything!)  


as we shall soon see...

Janus is typically depicted as having two faces,
since he's always looking out for those

 Beginnings and Endings,

and, one presumes, for those Many (like endless) Moments when

 Future Transitions to Past.







Well.... very well...

January is typically

the Dollmaker's "Time Off"

and even though she's pretty much

whether she leaves the house or not

she likes the feeling of "being on vacation"

and Vacation, to the Dollmaker, means:


Having Time to Paint!




Time to study Great Canyons and Stone Palaces

Marvels of Erosion...

Imagining mysterious Anthropomorphic Forces

likened to Gods and Goddesses (of infinite patience)

using Erosion as the Ultimate Tool

to to carve in stone - Majestic Images of Themselves...






Standing against the Armies of Time..

the Armies of

..valiantly shoulder to shoulder

stand the colossal Gods and Goddesses

of the Mineral Kingdom







so, it's been a "rocky" month


both on paper and in the back yard...



A Rocky Month Indeed!

Auspiciously, on the first day of the New Year...

Good-luck John and the Dollmaker took off on a

cold yet rewarding Adventure

foraging for Fossils!



such a particularly auspicious Beginning indicating the clear influence of:



Tripod Spirit Houses



a Continuation of last month's Deviation-from-Dollmaking...

 Mystical "Spirit Tents"

casting curious spidery Shadows...



Outside and Indoors...

they attract innumerous Adornments-

and... Residents!




a Tripod Hip Camp

for Call of the Wild Characters

who "move with the herds"...








Other Paintings this month:

paintings from memory..

the memory of a certain painting

(lost in the fire)

 has been haunting her for years...


the subject:

Two clusters of characters

in deep shadow.. now her "vacation goal" is to

remember how she did it and

re-create her old painting...








Ahoy Matey! Wow!

 The Dollmaker's brother, Captain Paul, sent these

 "vintage" Calendars- Wee Peeple Memorabilia!

which he found in "deep storage" (under the bed):


It was 1986 when the Dollmaker was one of ten Texas Artists

selected to be featured in this Calendar.

How about that!!! Her copies had all burned in the fire..



Calendar '86.

Thanks to Paul, Resurrected from

 the PAST...








One of the very few Dolls made this January-

a special order

Changing Woman


hem hem- Change!? Guess who has that covered? that would be...




Changing Woman

 is an American Indian Expression for

Eternal Sacred Seasonal Cycles



Poetically personifying Natural Forces

and connecting the "human" with the "divine"

Imparting Wisdom through

 Poetry, Music, Symbols

and Storytelling.




Changing Woman

enters- wearing her Winter Cloak.

She sparkles in the Night....

we greet Her with Wonder in our Hearts.











So - One more time! Hail

 Ruler of the Ending of this newsletter...

promising a kinder FUTURE for us all...




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Follow your Bliss


In October and November

the Dolls are at the





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"What people really need and demand from life

is not wealth, comfort, or esteem,

 but games worth playing."

-Thomas Szasz


Animal Totems Page




Smithville, TX  78957






Doll Airships Page

Steampunk Page
















Wee Peeple

Newsletter Topics



Holey Stones


Cat Peeple Dolls

 The Smile of the

Cheshire Cat


The story of
 Grandfather Frost



Giant Lizard Battle


Sacred Datura

Doll Catalogue


Mermaid Page


Dogs Playing Poker

The story of
The Card



Outsider Art



The Story of the
Three Dresses


The Story of
Lady Nevermind



A Shelling Adventure



 How To Purchase Dolls




Crystal Hunting in Arkansas



Back to  Home Page


Thanks goes out to:   and 

Cool Text: Free Graphics Generator


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