Crystal Hunting 

in Arkansas


The Trip to 

Crystal Mountain





Remember how it was raining in April...

and in May, June and July...?

   Well, what do the fairies and wee folk care for human stuff like leaky roofs and extra lawnmowing... the way they see this unusual amount of rainfall is that the overlighting Nature Spirits are out there having a jolly time orchestrating a grand replenishment of the waters of the Earth with the nourishment of all life in mind.

Right. Of course. I knew that.

The fairies and wee folk only smile, for they know that I know that

rain is good - very good- for crystal hunting...

and the timing was perfect...



When it starts to rain on top of Crystal Mountain, I do not run away. 

I close my eyes and whisper an excited prayer of thanksgiving for the event which is about to re-occur- the event that I have dreamed of for two years since I experienced it the last time.  

  I watch the sky, hearing the thunder approach and surround the mountain, and I can hardly believe it- this was the vision- to be here for this. To be right here in position, when the spirit of the rainstorm exhales like a living thing- the gray storm coming on like a heavenly creature sent to create magic.

When it begins to rain on crystal mountain, it's like a veil lifts and everywhere quite suddenly, their sleek and slippery surfaces begin to shine through the wet red mud... crystals becoming visible in banks of mud all around, where only just a moment before, I could have looked right at them and they would not have been visible at all.



Usually quite terrified of lightning and ordinarily not fond of the way clothing sticks to the skin when it is utterly drenched, either, still, I was unconcerned about these discomforts. The worst problem was trying to see through the raindrops which stuck to my glasses..

But for two years I had looked forward to those short moments of standing there soaking wet, in awe of the spectacle of the winking crystals, imagining that the fairies had thrown the gates open between the worlds and only crazy people who stand there in the rain can get a view of the way the mud slides away to reveal the magical shining crystals.

When it stops raining, the crystals glaze over again as the gates to the otherworld close and the crystals go back into hiding and are no longer visible.

The crystals that I found during the magical rainstorm seemed like gifts from the fairies.

Joel and Miss Shannon both found awesome clusters during our visits to the mountain. Shannon found two perfectly clear double-terminated crystals, one with a beautiful big diamond window in it.


One day we took a break from hunting crystals and went to visit my friend Jewelie, who is like the Metaphysical Mama of the Mountains.

She possesses a crystal she fondly calls 'Mongo', which she uses for healing purposes.

 Here it is, 

pictured lying on it's side on her massage table.

The next day, with renewed energy we arrived at Crystal Mountain just in time for... guess what? Yes! Another rainstorm!

During that rainstorm I found my own mini-Mongo. Just like the others which "came to me" in the first rainstorm, this crystal did not require digging at all- I was actually down on hands and knees in the mud and looked up and there it was, right in front of me.

I was quite happy with this find.


So, at the Texas Renaissance Festival, I will once again have my decorated crystals:





Kandra Niagra, Dollmaker

PO Box 326

Smithville, Texas 78957

Phone: 512-360-2443








